Question: Is Hello Kitty ™ a girl or a cat? (Think about that for a while, and we’ll come back to it later.)
Hello Kitty ™, whose real name is Kitty White, was born in London on Nov. 1, 1974 as a twin with her sister Mimmy. Even though she is associated with Japan, she is British, and has so many friends it’s a project to keep them all straight.
Children and adults love her equally, and she’s become a fashion brand that can’t be ignored. Most of the fashion is as expected, but there are some very odd Hello Kitty ™ products, like:
- A dental retainer
- A tongue tattoo
- Feminine products
- Contact lenses
- Sheets of gold
- A cross that crosses the line
For more shockers, click here.
If owning Hello Kitty ™ kitsch isn’t enough, you can travel to Japan and experience a day of immersion at Sanrio’s Puroland. It’s a wild Hello Kitty ™ time! Leaving adulthood at the door and indulging your inner child is a must. There are parades, shows, attractions, shops and live characters to meet and greet.
After meeting Hello Kitty ™ in person, you can stay in touch by friending her on Facebook.
And finally, the answer to the question that has been burning in your mind. Is Hello Kitty ™ a cat or a girl?
Well, according to Yuko Yamaguchi, Hello Kitty’s ™ character designer, Hello Kitty ™ is a cat that is a girl. As opposed to a cat that is a cat like her pet Charmmy Kitty ™.
Arigato gozaimasu!